Sunday, February 08, 2015

The Annual Christmas Stolp 2012.

Note: image below has been digitally altered. For the full story, see the 2012 Slurpee Toss.

The biggest news item for 2012 was the biggest change to the Templestowe 7-Eleven since it was built: automatic doors! Say goodbye to old-fashioned push-pull manual inconvenience—hello to the future times!

But the future times were dark and full of terrors, because when the stolpers stepped inside they discovered the Slurpee machine… was gone!

Since it came out from behind the counter some 20 odd years ago (putting the power of the pour into the paws of the people), the Slurpee machine had lived on the north wall of the store. Sure as the sun would rise in the east, that’s where you’d find it, and we could find it with our eyes closed.

But today, no more! They had taken the lord of liquid refreshment and we did not know where to find… oh hey, it's over there, you guys.

They’d moved it to the south wall. All good.

But why the move? Turns out it wasn’t just the front doors getting an upgrade because the long-serving Slurpee machine now boasted six barrels and could no longer fit in its old corner. Merry Christmas, indeed.

See you next year.

Too much Slurpee blogging barely enough?
Keep on Stolping: The First Pour–2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011.
Keep on Tossing: The First Release–2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012.
Keep on Demolishing: The Alpha and the Omega.

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