Kate was the sole female tosser in 2004, and she chose to experiment with an unconventional, under-arm toss. It wasn’t her furthest throw ever, but it did get further than Ahab, and at least it landed on the court.

Davet was up next, and tried a little experimentation of his own. New strategies and techniques are secretly considered by all tossers in the lead up to the event. How much Slurpee should I leave in the cup? Will a larger cup suffer from greater wind resistance? Would a throwing or lobbing technique be the most effective? Am I seriously here throwing a Slurpee cup into the air when I need to be at my family’s in 20 minutes? Anyway, this year Davet devised the controversial clutch grip, whereby he crushed close the top of the cup and threw it like a grenade. His cup just cleared the court, so maybe the technique has some merit.

Benn stepped up with great confidence and hurled his cup over the court and beyond the shelter. It was an impressive throw, and would be tough for final tosser, Steve, to beat.

Steve gave it his best with a strong toss, but only managed to make the white line. Benn was crowned Slurpee Toss King 2004. The absent and now dethroned King, Bart, was heard bellowing belligerently from Belgrade. He’d have to wait until 2005…

The Final Results (official): 1. Benn, 2. Davet, 3. Steve, 4. Kate...

...and 5. Ahab.

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