Eleven stolpers turned out to stretch their legs this year, including three debutantes: Bomber, Alethea and Winter. Though Winter had been along for the ride last year, in 2006 she was something new under the sun, and the histories will show she entered her first 7-Eleven at eight months, 15 days and four hours of age! Though treated to a Slurpee sampler via the umbilical cord in 2005, this year she got to try the real, unadulterated thing. And do children love pure sugar? Well, the results are back from the lab. Let's take a look, shall we?

Not yes or no, but for sure! A moment’s uncertainty was quickly overcome, and the mouth sprung open for more. Not too much more; we are somewhat responsible parents, after all.
See you in 2007!
Too much Slurpee blogging barely enough?
Keep on Stolping: The First Pour–2003, 2004, 2005
Keep on Tossing: Dawn of Time–2003, 2004, 2005
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