Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Sure as you can’t steer a train, you can’t change your fate.

I noticed the train driver this morning was talking on his mobile phone as he drew into the station. With my current level of animosity towards Connex and the Department of Infrastructure, I wanted to go up and slap on his window, or issue a Citizen’s Fine, or something. But my desire to secure a seat for the journey won out, and I shuffled on with the rest of the sardines, and put my life in the hands of a distracted driver. I wonder if he texts as well? Tell my wife I love her…

UPDATE 1: You won't believe it, but then my tram driver last night was yapping on his phone as well! It's an epidemic. Save yourselves!

UPDATE 2: This is quite freaky. It gets worse! I caught a bus today and the driver was driving with a cup of coffee in his hand! Three days, three forms of transport, three drivers with other things on their minds. Reminds me of the time an old girlfriend was speeding in her manual car through peak-hour traffic whilst smoking and talking on her mobile at the same time. That was a fun ride. Maybe it's me?


  1. I'm amused that you end a post titled with a lyric from "Lucky Ball and Chain" with a pledge of love for your wife. If only the song's hero was more like you... (well, then we wouldn't have the song to enjoy, I suppose.)

    On a somewhat related note, I feel vaguely disappointed. I always thought the lyric in question was '...can steer a train, you can...' but a quick check of confirms you are correct.

    The meaning is the same, but my mis-hearing added a level of irony that's now missing. Oh well.

    Incidentally, doesn't a train driver's job consist mainly of holding down the dead man's switch?

    So the worst that could happen if he got distracted would be that his hand slips off the train and it grinds to a halt. I suppose he could forget to slow down and miss a station; but since you'd already be on the train, that's a win-win for you.

    Even the most attentive train driver can't stop the train in time to avoid hitting something (or someone) on the tracks by braking as soon as he (or she) sees it. You canna change the laws of physics...

  2. Oh well, to hell with it then! Let's set the driver up with a banana lounge and a fully-stocked liqueur cabinet, shall we? Maybe even an internet connection so he can check his email?

    To be honest, I’m not freaking out over the phone - I think you’re at greater risk crossing the street, or sticking your face in a fan – but I would make two points:

    Firstly, for one thing, people have been known to get caught by a train’s closing doors and dragged to their death, and a distracted driver could conceivably increase the chance of this happening. Even if the risk is only minimal, a train driver is still responsible for the safety of the hundreds of passengers he’s pulling along behind him, so I think it’s preferable to err on the side of caution.

    Secondly, when it comes to me, Connex (and the Department of Infrastructure) are quite happy to rigidly adhere to the “strict legal requirements of the relevant legislation” as well as cheerfully being in all things “bound by the law and the facts of the matter,” so I’m going to expect the same of them. And the facts of the matter here are that the driver was using his phone while controlling a machine, and if the law says you can't ride a bike and use a mobile phone, you surely can't operate a train either?

  3. Oh, and I'm sorry to puncture your balloon. I like your version too.

  4. You should write a letter.

    But seriously... smoking, drinking coffee and talking on mobile phones don't count as things you should not do while controlling machinery.

    Sending SMS, shaving, reading the age and pleasuring yourself or others should surely be greater offences...

  5. What's wrong with driving for pleasure?

  6. You know what I mean. Don't make me spell it out on your Blog... as no doubt you will have to go in and censor it.
