A touch more 'demon' than 'diva', I think. If your stomach can handle it, click on the link and have a closer look. Is their manager the Joker? He turned beautiful women into foul-faced freaks in the first (proper) Batman movie. Maybe he's at it again? It took me a second to realise what must have occurred to transform these wondrous beauties into the hideous, demented, gargoylish, toxic monstrosities that they appeared as now. I know that poster-pasting people work to a tightly-packed schedule and that when you rush mistakes can happen, but I wonder if there was any mischievous intent to this apparent mistake? If not quite, “Hey, I’ve got an idea,” then maybe, “Ah bugger, look what I’ve done! Should I fix it…? Nah. Hehe.” So good. I couldn't have done a better job in Photoshop. :-)
1) Do you have something against the 1943 Republic serial; or does it being in the serial format exclude it from being a "proper" movie? I have only ever seen snippets myself, but the IMDb summary does suggest a pleasing abscence of shark.
ReplyDelete2) What makes you think the girls would be less demonic in appearance if the poster was put up correctly?
3) Remember the bloke in Johnny Mnemonic who had the monofilament whip that cut through people, but in some shots the bits balanced for a few seconds before the body collapsed into a pile of sliced ham? That's what this looks like to me.
1) Yes it does. It's a serial, not a feature-length presentation. But thanks for playing.
ReplyDelete2) You make a good point.
3) I don't remember that guy (actually the only thing I can remember about that film is the "You can't shoot me / Not in the head" exchange) but the poster did remind me of a similar thing at the start of The Cube, where the guy on the poster, who you assumed would be a main character, got sliced and diced by a grid of razor wire in the opening scene. Great movie moment.
I drove past this poster today.
ReplyDeleteAt least I assume it was the same poster. The alternative is too horrible to contemplate.