I wanted to post this image in response to a comment in a different thread, but you can’t post images into the Comments. But then I thought, why don’t I just give the image its own thread? Why does there need to be a reason for posting a picture of Batman giving Superduperman a facial? Isn’t just seeing Kal-el getting taken to the kal-eaners reason enough in and of itself? Of course it is. :-)
UPDATE: It turns out I just wasn't satisfied with only one image, so here's another good un that I've scanned from my copy of The Dark Knight Returns...

So Batman plays dirty pool, and therefore cant win in a fair fight. Or does manufacturing kryptonite count as using his resources fairly? I cant decide if he gets respect for this tactic or not...
ReplyDeleteI think it's obvious that Superman would win a fair fight. Put Batman in one corner in blue boxers and Supes in the other corner in red, and the fight would be over in all of 5 seconds.
ReplyDeleteThe point, though, is that Batman doesn't fight fair. Never has, never will. It's not what the character is about.
If Superman's motto is "Truth, Justice, and the American Way", Batman's would be "Fiat justitia ruat caelum."
I don't know what "dirty pool" is, but, regardless, I don't think Batman's playing dirty. He’s exploiting one of what? two, three? weaknesses to overcome a being who is omnipotent and all but invincible (which is what I think makes Superman so boring). It’s not Batman’s fault his options are so limited.
ReplyDeleteUmm... Why does Batman's cape have a Superman 'S' logo on his cape ??
ReplyDeleteIt has Superman's 'S' on it because it's Superman's cape. Odd, I know. :-) You can tell from the direction it's flowing that it's not Batman's. The colouring does make it unclear, but there are other shots of Batman's cape and it's clearly logo free. Must be because of the kryptonite lurkin' in the air. It not only drains Superduper's strength, it also drains the colour from his clothes! Like Evil Napisan.
ReplyDeleteDirty pool
ReplyDeleten. Slang
Unjust or dishonest conduct.
Referencing the Adams Family Movie where Gomez is attacked with a sword while his back is turned...and he likes it! Funny. Audio Here:
It's stuck in my memory because the audio plays when you sneak the ball into the vault to get Super Jackpot in the Adams Family Pinball Machine game. The most exciting moment in the best pinball game out there.
I must have missed something, but when did the super friends not become friends any more?
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure about in other issues, but their stoush in The Dark Knight Returns is due to differing ideologies. Superman remains loyal to a US government that Batman views as being corrupt. The success of Batman’s vigilante antics embarrasses the government (who have been unable to restore order in an out of control Gotham) and so they send Superduper to rein Batman in. I won’t spoil the end in case you ever read the story.