London. Present day. MI5 are attempting to infiltrate a mosque where they believe acts of terrorism are being planned. They are eventually able to get an agent inside, who informs them that a young boy is being prepared to martyr himself. When the day of action arrives, the boy is readied in a warehouse before heading to the strike zone. MI5 learns of the boy’s location and agents race to stop him. The boy flees the warehouse and into the busy playground of a neighbouring kindergarten where he prepares to detonate his explosives.

In the nick of a time, an agent disturbs him and the boy flees through a fence to an empty basketball court where he is surrounded. Two agents approach and attempt to talk him down.

But negotiations fail, and he triggers his vest.

As body parts and other debris fly through the air, a blue banner zips suddenly onto screen!

As agents rush desperately towards their fallen friends, we’re delightfully informed that ‘3 Non-Blondes’ is up next!

Well, wacky do. I’ll be sure to stay tuned. Thanks for letting me know. I thought the Mother of All Watermarks was irritating, but this takes things to a whole new level. Spooks is often intense, and as the events of this episode reach their tragic climax - a split second after a young boy has killed himself and murdered an innocent man - the network saunters in and urinates over everyone. Way to go. Good work everyone.
Melbourne Sunday night:
ReplyDeleteApostropher is watching Spooks intensly. He expects to enjoy the ep to the end. But the expectations fail, and the network runs an add across the screen. His arms and eyes flail around as he collapses to the ground. His wife rushes to her fallen husband. Next we're treated to a delightful Blog. Good work Apostropher :)
ReplyDelete(I can't believe I'm saying this, but) wasn't that 4 Non-Blondes? Either way though, you're right, at least they were out there asking the questions that needed to be asked.
CK, I didn't realise you were in the room with us! Yep, that's pretty much how it went down. I didn't think anything could top Pete Smith gaily intruding into the Six Feet Under closing credits after that intense David/Keith scene, but glory, this one did.
ReplyDeleteThe first season of the relaunched Doctor Who featured a "Next Week" trailer between the final scene and the closing credits. Nothing unusual there...
ReplyDeleteHowever, three episodes of the season had good old-fashioned Doctor Who cliffhangers. The effect of which was somewhat undermined by having the character(s) in jeopardy immediately turn up right as rain in the trailers.
In a rare attack of common sense, the BBC has announced that the Season 2 episodes which end on cliffhangers will not be followed by trailers.
In a related piece of idiocy, the Season 1 finale - Episode 13 - featured the allegedly surprising return of an old menace, that appeared in the closing moments of Episode 12, having been competently foreshadowed therein.
In the spirit of those old 7 Network ads for Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves happily featuring footage of King Richard; the trailer for Episode 12, shown after Episode 11, featured this last-minute revelation.