Tuesday, April 11, 2006

I Am Parent, Hear Me Snore.

Well, I think I can say I’ve passed the test and am now officially a Parent. I’ve endured a near-sleepless night; I’ve called and woken childless friends at 9 in the morning because I’ve been up since 6:30 at it feels like midday; I’ve managed to get the baby and stroller into the car and gone out for a coffee with Kate at a local café; and while out I had two sets of old Italian grandmas burst with effusive exclamations of praise while peering into the stroller! And all in one morning!

The real clincher though, the undeniable proof, was recognising the feeling of righteous indignation at the friends that I woke with my morning phone call. “What do you mean you’re not up yet? I was up with the sun. What are you: a sloth, a complete waste of space, a teenager?” Yep. I’m there. :-)


  1. Well, although I don't always remember being woken from slumber, I'm pretty sure that it wasn't me you woke up on Sunday morning, when after working from 11am till 1am, I deliberately set my alarm for 10:30 so I could get 8 hours sleep before heading back to the office.

    How do I know this? You're still alive.

  2. hi stephe

    check out this stunning fan-film
    truly brilliant

    takes the grind out of parentage.

    you may, and probbably already have, seen it.

  3. I hadn't seen it, so thanks for pointing it out. If you squint, you can almost overlook how unconvincing they are! I mean, they do have some good moves, but... NERDS!!!! :-)

    PS: I do love nerds.

  4. your cynicism troubles me.

    given how dismal most SW Fan-Films are, i thought this was high quality.
    NO attempts at acting, no fantastical plot, just the calming clang of the saber, deliverd with stunning choreography and surprising agility.
    i personaly found it thrilling.

    And i will not let you ruin it for me!

  5. As I said, I thought the choreography was good, but there was just a touch too much Star Wars Kid to their appearances. :-)
