Monday, September 04, 2006


Breaking news! Steve Irwin is DEAD! Stabbed by a stingray and dead as a Deepwater Cisco. I’ve been called, emailed, Instant Messaged, RSS'd and even SMS’d from New Zealand. The world's flapping its arms! That plucky little guy who, despite wise advice to the contrary, would always smile at a crocodile... THE WORLD IS IN SHOCK.


  1. Crikey. I was wondering why my Deep water cisco was floating on its side in my tank of soapy warm water...

    I have said it before and I will say it again... I cannot believe it was not a 6meter croc which bit him in the head, rolled around and dragged him into the mud.

  2. Yes, hard to believe the death blow came from a relatively safe stingray. Very sad.
