Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Best Olympic Broadcast Ever!

The hacks at Channel 7 could have learnt something from KTVH, an NBC affiliate in Helena, Montana, who enhanced their Olympic broadcast by superimposing the famous and much-loved silhouette of Mystery Science Theater 3000! Gold!

It was apparently accidental, and only stayed up there for four hours, but that would've been the best four hours of Olympic programming I've ever seen. Although if it had actually been live and not just a static overlay, that would have been even better. Those lucky sods at KTVH. Oh, to have a button I could push to do likewise. Come on, digital TV revolution! Forget your Full HD Extreme rubbish; just give me a button on my remote to do this. So good.

Push the button, Frank.

(Thanks to 6.5 for the heads-up.)

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