The scourge of derivative musicians everywhere, the Anonymous Critic was last seen hacking into Aussie rockers, Jet. This time, however, the Critic's directing both barrels at every mum's favourite "grown-man band," Human Nature, who are currently touring their double-disc collection of Motown classics "direct from Hitsville!" Yeah!
But unlike the Critic's attack on Jet, there's no appeal to our better natures this time, no plea to lift ourselves from the mire of mediocrity and stop settling for second best. No, this time there's just a nail-punching declaration that Human Nature "SUCK" and a fiery demand for the band to "Write your own fucking songs!!!" Three exclamation marks there, so you know it's serious.

Confusingly though, for a person so passionate about not just retreading the path of those who've gone before, the Critic has let him- or herself down with the illustration that's been used to flesh out this fuming condemnation. Instead of finding some inventive way to deface the four harmonisin' figures, the Critic has resorted to that old favourite doodle... a doodle! Two, in fact. And in case there's any possible doubt as to the doodle's significance, the man on the mic elaborates frankly, confessing to the crowd that he doesn't just suck, he sucks doodle.

Clever. Such wit. One wonders why the Critic stopped there and didn't add glasses and Hitler moustaches as well?
There's no way of knowing when next the Anonymous Critic will bring the gavel down, but I wonder who it'll be in the dock? It's not too late to change your ways, Wolfmother!!! Put down your ARIA awards and look into your hearts while there's still time!!!
I think it was my Mum. She still likes Michael Bolton over these guys... but I think she is coming around after last years Christmas album...
ReplyDeleteRather than citing this a further example of Critic's editorial efforts, a roaming outdoor blog if you will, I see it rather as a cry for help.
ReplyDeleteJet's underwhelming second album (accompanied by their "why don't people like us any more" bleating) together with Powderfinger's recently released "safe" offering, represent desultory commas on the meandering path of Oz musical pursuits. (And thinking further afield, don't get me started on the massive disappointment that is Arctic Monkey's "difficult" second album).
So in that context, a brief lashing out at Human Nature is understandable. In some ways, targeting the thirty-something warblers is not particularly provocative. They hardly portray themselves as on the creative cutting-edge. I suppose there's only the annoyance that they continue to make money out of it. Which Wolfmother won't manage when they run out of Deep Purple riffs!
Many mums are coming round, Bomber. Even Kate's mum (to our great surprise) went and picked up (I think) both albums because she heard about them on the telly and thought they sounded good. Why she didn't go and pick up a set of the originals, I've never actually asked...
ReplyDeletePhilibuster, great to get your input on this.
ReplyDeleteI really must disagree with you and the whole world, though, and say I'm really diggin' on Jet's new album. I don't see why people are being so tough on it? What's so poor about it, and just what were people expecting if they find it to be so lacking?
Very disappointed to hear the general response to Powderfinger's newie, although I think Bernard veered so far off the road and into a ditch with his solo effort, that I guess I'm not too surprised. (What the hell was with Wish you Well?) I was initially quite disappointed with Internationalist and stopped buying PF albums, but I recently happened to give their last three another listen and was quite impressed! Maybe I've changed somehow? So I was looking forward to Dream Days and am disappointed by its reception so far. Although, that said, if I'd made up my mind about Shine On based on everyone else's opinion, I think I would have missed out... so I'll still have to give it a listen for myself and see...
And are Wolfmother that bad? They mightn't be wholly original, but what is these days? At least their derivative material is done well, and who's to say that after the kiddies are all mothered out they won't go for a look at the Wolfie's source of inspiration as well?
ReplyDeleteHi Apostropher,
ReplyDeleteI've probably been a bit harsh on Jet, and a little influenced by the outright rejection of same by 16-y.o. daughter. The Dingley boys are suffering the consequence of hitting a “high” disproportionate with what they deserved first time around. I think the fickle winds have drifted away from the pro-rock climate a couple of years back. And of course, Jet was facing the scourge of the second album. Like most bands whose opener is the sum product of several years compiling best songs, Jet had to deliver another killer set in limited time, amidst the fun of touring. And with such a derivative sound, they ran a huge risk of delivering more of the same, but not quite as striking. Re Shine On, I think they do hard-rockin’ better than they do soppy ballad. Which begs the question where they move next? I too have not heard much of the new Powder-boys record. But ultimately for both bands I would rather listen to even their not-so-good stuff than most of the rest on offer elsewhere.
I did enjoy Wolfie’s first-up album but of course they’re also facing the vertical incline of album #2. Regarding the kiddies who might get mothered out, they (if my 16 yo version is at all typical) have a massive propensity to hunt down the 70s originals. At home we’re swimming in Zep, Purple, Who, Kinks, Beatles, MC5, Stooges, V Underground, etc etc. Not a bad thing!
Yeah, it's funny how being successful too quickly can be a bad thing. I just read an interview with the White Stripes where Jack White was saying he's glad they held out from signing with a major label for so long, even though, at the time, it would have given them more sales than they'd ever dreamed of. Instead, they stayed on the indie path, learning and growing at their own pace, taking risks because they could, and now that they and their sound has really matured and grown into its own, now that they've achieved success on their own terms, they're in a far better position to survive the System. If they'd signed back at album three, they'd probably have gone down in history as one hit wonders, instead of the exceptional creative freakshows we know today. Glory be, I'm enjoying Icky Thump. :)
ReplyDeleteI just re-read a review of Shine On on All Music, by a guy who thinks the opposite of you, Phil, namely that Jet's real strength is in their ballads. I don't know if I'd say that myself, but as someone who definitely prefers rockers over ballads, I find it telling that I enjoy Jet's ballads as much as I do. Except Eleanor... and Shiny Magazine, but besides that...
The bit of the review I disagree with most strongly is his dissin' on Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is, saying "If ever a cowbell felt obligatory, it does here." Outrageous! It's spot on, a key player, but then I'm a big cowbell fan and, just like Christopher Walken in his hilarious SNL sketch, I can always use more cowbell. Hehe. (That link is to a Best Of of Walken on SNL, that doesn't have the full cowbell sketch, but there's enough of it from 1:43 to give the gist...)
Cowbell. Hehehe.
Oh, and that's great to hear about your kids lookin' back and not just at their shoes. I can't wait to see what Winter gets into when she gets to her teens. Will she rebel? How will she rebel? By getting into the winner of Australian Idol, Series 20? Or whatever the Paris Hilton of her day will be? Lord, please, let it not be so? Or will she sit down one day and say, "So, Dad, tell me about this Kurt Cobain..." :)
ReplyDeleteAlthough the pinnacle would be an interest in the genius of Charles Mingus. That's a gift I would love to give. BUT I have no expectations! She, and any future others who may come along, can wander where they will, and if, by some chance, they wander back on home, I'll be waiting on the porch with a truck load of Mingus ready to go. :)
Just, please, not Paris Hilton...