Actually, I say ‘swaggered’ into town, but it was more of a squeeze, like toothpaste from a tube. Or a caterpillar from a cocoon. Indeed, he must’ve been stuck inside Radiohead for some time because the 'Bends' guy looks quite relieved to have him out.

So Bobby’s on the screen, but so far he’s yet to make his move. I can only guess he’s getting the lay of the land, measuring the pixels, seeing what kind of a hold Beck has on those well-known, bohemian shoulders. As you can see below, Bobby’s out in force down south, looking north with a determined gaze.

And Beck’s clearly concerned. He’s making a show of staying close, flitting around like a peacock if a peacock was to flit, but when Bobby flips in, Beck flips right the hell out as soon as iTunes’ll let him.

So this is getting pretty exciting, yeah?
[Crickets chirp. Somewhere a wolf howls.]
Well anyway, the tension is building, but will the build-up be worth it? Will Bobby’s head prove to be a better match than Beck’s? Who can say, who can predict? Don’t worry, don’t worry; you will get to see for yourselves. I’m like a deer hunter, watching, lying in wait, ready to snap off a shot when the target springs into view. It’s only a matter of time…
UPDATE, BY REQUEST: Coming to you live from Apostrophe Garden in wintery Melbourne, Australia, it’s all the hot grass-growing action you handle, and it's all right here on The Path. So sit back and stay tuned because this could get out of controoooooool.

Bit bored in old Blog town hey... Why don't you pop out side and let me know how the rust is coming along on the Deawoo or perhaps how the grass is travlling this time of year also...
ReplyDeleteIn order to view this objectivly I need to know the following... do you own a mower and do you intend on using it in the next couple of weeks.
ReplyDeleteDue to the cold and the lack of rain I know that the grass will not grow at a massive rate.
Do you still have the Daewoo... watching that rust would be more fun.
Uhnr. So grass-growing isn't enough for you? You want grass-cutting as well now, do you? No pleasing some people. And Virge, God rest her soul, had many problems, but rust was not one of them.
ReplyDeleteI know! Maybe I should blog about Uni Blues speech night? :-)
OK, a couple of points...
ReplyDeleteFirstly I would just like to highlight how farken bored I am right now that I am bracing myself to re read the post I am responding to. It must be my bi annual 'Mike Hates the IT industry' week.
Secondly, Grass growing is more than enough for me, but who is to say that you are not going to cut my observation off at the knees once the mower comes out. I can just image you being required to cut the lawn after you loose Winter in it for a couple of hours...
Thirdly Uni Blues speech/presentation night is boring. Like all speech nights. This is why a. I choose to drink heavily during the speeches and b. I choose not to blog about it.
Finally, if you would like a hell of an evening which you could blog about ofr the next couple of years, come to the Uni Blues ball and Action night, August 5. Tickets 100 bucks... everything included, including my LIVE, yes that is right LIVE rants!
Its more fun when you rip into Connex!
ReplyDeleteI bet Aka would have something interesting to say...
Oh man, just when I thought the message had got through and I'd received my last invitation to a Uni Blues Ball...
ReplyDeleteAker should have his own chat show. I always seem to sit opposite someone reading the Herald Sun on the train, so I've been keeping up with the Aker headlines. I see that he and Vossy are "still mates", so that's good. Aker's been in the paper almost every day this week! Reminds me of when I was doing my 'preni and Spice Girls made it into the "Entertainment" section (and I'm making air quotes) every day for about three weeks straight! Another preni and I used to have bets each day on whether the run would continue. It was like Russian Roulette where every chamber but one had a bullet. Nasty business.
ReplyDeleteAka Live! on Channel Eddie up against Rove...