Once we'd picked up the vouchers, we held hands and wandered the streets and lanes of the city. We moved among the masses of people and wondered where they were all heading. We explored all manner of shops and their colourful wares, from multilevel department stores to hole-in-the-wall boutiques. We travelled up and down the Funny Stairs (escalators) wherever they were found. And we travelled up and down the Funny Stairs. Wherever they were found. And up and down. Up, down, up, down, up, down. Alright, Winter, are you hungry? How about some food? Yes!
We bought some cheese and ham croissants and sat on a bench outside the State Library to eat them. We made up life stories for the statues around us and how they got to be there. We took photos of our shoes, the grass, and the crazy man getting lost in a flurry of pigeons and seagulls as he tried to feed them. We walked down alleyways and looking at the bright and colourful graffiti, trying to decide which design we'd most like to have on our bedroom walls. And then, when Winter's legs began to tire, we headed down to Melbourne Central Station and jumped on a train for home, mum and Harper.
As afternoons go, it was one of my finest.
This has added to my day considerably. Cherish the days that they are happy to hold your hand - the day that it becomes uncool to do so is a slightly sad one, although other signs of closeness will remain. Happy New Year.
ReplyDeleteAww, thanks, Phil. I'm really very aware that this stage will pass, which is why I'm very keen to record as much of it as possible! Keep me going through the teenage years! :)
ReplyDeleteHappy New Year to you as well.