Yep; because one child just hasn't been keeping us busy enough. And this one's not even out and already it's forcing my face into the grindstone, as Kate has been struck down with another debilitating bout of so-called morning sickness. It bustled in and made itself at home for the full nine months last time, and though people keep trying to reassure us that "Every pregnancy is different", so far this one's only been different by being worse. Although, that said, over the last week or so we have seen some small improvement, so we're hopeful the conventional wisdom will prove itself yet.
While we're waiting for that to happen, the pressing Issue of the Day is what to call this little swirl in the ultrasonic fog? Where Winter was given the prenatal designation, 'Alpha', this little blip has come to be known as, ahem, Number 2. It wasn't planned that way, and all around sniggered the first time 'Number 2' just slipped out (snigger), but as the days went on by, Number 2 just seemed to stick (snigger, snigger). And I must say, even though the name might skirt dangerous territory, it does allow me to repeatedly ask Number 2 who he (or she) works for... and overall I think that counts as a gain. Wouldn't you?
Oh, it's not an astromonical picture.. it's one of those tummy scan thingees!
ReplyDeleteWhat? Surely you've seen an ultrasound before? Although the final frontier is a good metaphor for bringing a child into your life. :)