UPDATE: And in other Star Wars news, this just in: a recent survey conducted by the UK's Sky Movies has revealed that Star Wars is the film most loved to be watched over and over again. Well, for men, at least. Women apparently prefer to re-watch Dirty Dancing.
Star Wars: A New Hope is certainly the film I’ve re-watched the most times. Although as over the years Empire grew to become my favourite, it’s by now surely close to catching up. I can’t think what others would even come close to those two? Heathers, certainly. And The Blues Brothers. Oh, and Ferris Bueller’s as well, of course. Year in, year out, every time’s just like the first.
If you’d been doing the survey, what would you have put down?
UPDATE 2: And in further Star Wars news, well 'olds' more than news, but then everything olds is news again, I guess, so there you go... um, oh yeah, so I just enjoyed revisiting the soundstages of my childhood via this series of slides on Swapatorium of a magnificently staged production of The Empire Strikes Back. So good. :)

Fight Club. What a cracker of a film! I reckon I've seen in 30 times and I hope I get to see it another 30 before I die.
ReplyDeleteThe list for woman cracks me up.
ReplyDelete1.Dirty Dancing - Funnily enough saw for the first time on my own Hen's Night. Obviously my BM's would have it up the top of the list.
2. Star Wars trilogy - Hilarious. Only number 2 because most of our fine, self-assured, independent, gender have either a brother, a father, a boyfriend, or a potential boyfriend.
3. Grease - This would be high on my list, mostly because growing up, it was on tv 'religiously' every year.
4. The Sound of Music - As above. And usually in a child friendly time slot. Although the last hour is far less familiar than the first.
5. Pretty Woman - What a wonderful piece of demeaning trash that taps into all our fantasies.
My actual favourite film that I have repeatedly watched is a little known Aussie gem called Amy. Rent it this weekend. Keep the tissues handly girls (and you metro boys).
"Fight Club"
ReplyDeleteYep, I think I'm well due for a re-watch of that one. Its appeal is certainly not dependent on its twist.
2. Star Wars trilogy - Hilarious. Only number 2 because..."
ReplyDeleteI think there's a good chance it's #2 because the survey was conducted by "Sky Movies Sci-fi & Horror Channel to tie in with the Sci-Fi London film festival." :) Although, given that, I am somewhat surprised at the other results. Not wanting to put Sci-Fi womankind into a box, but Star Wars really does stand out like a wookiee in a group of Kowakian lizard-monkeys (ie, a lot).
re apostropher's new icon pic..
ReplyDeleteIs that how you looked when you saw princess leia in her slave outfit for the first time??
I can't remember how I looked, CK, but I do remembering wondering out loud if she was an angel...
ReplyDeleteDon't kids say the darndest things? I was too young to know that angels come from the moons of Iego and not from Alderaan! Ha, ha. Oh, silly me.
Well my top repeat movies would be the usual action : Aliens, Lethal Weapon 2, Die Hard, but I probably watched Top Gun the most.. on account the only movie on video me and my brother were allowed to keep as kids, probably because dad was a piolet..
ReplyDeleteBut the movie I 'ENJOY' repeat watching the most is OUTLAND.. There is nothing quite as thrilling as Sean Connery strolling around a space station with a shot gun, blowing away the bad guys one after the other.. In fact I need to see it again right now!!
"...probably because dad was a pilot.."
ReplyDelete...who flew commercial airliners. Did he try and tell you young kids that Top Gun was what his work was like? :)
"But the movie I 'ENJOY' repeat watching the most is OUTLAND."
For some strange reason I have a strong memory of watching Outland as a kid at a neighbour's house while on holiday down at Phillip Island. I seem to remember finding it boring though, so I'm not sure why it's such a strong memory. Maybe it had more to do with being allowed to stay up late (Wooo!) than anything to do with the movie itself?
Maybe I should try watching it again?
tell you young kids that Top Gun was what his work was like?..
ReplyDeleteNot tell... SHOW!! I remember being about 8 years old and sitting on dad's lap in the cockpit of a 727 airliner (flying to Sydney)and him letting me grab the flight stick on my own and push it backwards and forwards to make the airoplane duck in and out of the holes in the clouds.. although we never 'buzzed' the tower.. lol.
Maybe I should try watching it (Outland) again?..
ReplyDeleteIf you haven't uncovered a conspiracy where your friends turn out to be the bad guys and then fought against impossible odds against them and everyone else, knowing only you care about what's right, just to end up the victor, but alone in this cruel cruel world.. then you may not get it.
"Not tell... SHOW!!"
ReplyDeleteThat sounds responsible. Did he make an announcement beforehand like, "Ladies and gentlemen, this is your captain speaking. I'm about to let my son fl... I mean, looks like there might be a little turbulence up ahead, so if you could all return to your seats and fasten your seatbelts, thank you."
"...then you may not get it."
I think I might not get it.
If I'd been doing the survey, they wouldn't have been able to shut me up...
ReplyDeleteDie Hard
The Great Escape
The Untouchables
Raiders of the Lost Ark
The Godfather
Mad Max
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan
The Terminator
Terminator 2: Judgment Day
Ferris Bueller's Day Off
Mad Max 2
Oh yeah, and Star Wars. Which I saw 33 times before I gave up counting (aged 11), but is getting harder and harder to enjoy as I get older - like all of its sequels, bar one.
That one is probably my favourite film to rewatch, but it does make one think: What the hell is a masterpiece like The Empire Strikes Back doing in that series? It operates on such a higher level than the others that it isn't funny.
"If I'd been doing the survey, they wouldn't have been able to shut me up..."
ReplyDeleteHa, ha. Yes, I know what you mean. I arguably enjoy re-watching old films more than seeing new ones for the first time. Knowing the plot, or knowing the punchline, doesn't seem to diminish my pleasure or satisfaction, and it's as if I just enjoy remembering that this was something I enjoyed? Maybe?
I guess it's that old nostalgia bone in me, whose influence never seems to lessen. Not that I mind it, though. The ability to enjoy what you already have or what you've already seen means you can be free (to a large extent) from that crippling and endless drive for novelty that seems so common in so many. Never satisfied, always searching...
Of course, the downside in not seeking out new things is that you can become stagnant and grow small-minded. It's good to challenge yourself, to explore new boundaries, and not just sit in your room looking at the walls. Which goes for all of life, I guess, not just movies. :)
I should watch The Great Escape again some time, and (though I didn't enjoy it that much) I should re-watch The Godfather, too, if only so I can then see the other two and finish the series off. Maybe now that I'm on the other side of The Sopranos I'll be able to overcome my traditional dislike of... "family" films. Mad Max 1 and 2 I think I've seen enough, but the rest I'll easily agree with. Oh, except for Star Trek II... although, to be honest, I'm not actually sure I've ever seen it... I know it's supposed to be the best one. Maybe I should?
"What the hell is a masterpiece like The Empire Strikes Back doing in that series?"
The choir, over here. :)
Do you know, it's odd: I've never liked mob shows, medical shows or westerns, and yet of late I've been enjoying examples of all three. Namely, The Sopranos, Scrubs and Deadwood. So never let it be said that I'm too stuck in my ways and not open to new things. :)
ReplyDeleteWatch out Post, it will be musicals next.
ReplyDeleteArgh! I'd forgotten about musicals. Thanks for reminding me. Not. Although, I don't need to worry, do I? There aren't any Musical TV shows, are there? Australian Idol doesn't count. I did enjoy that Buffy episode, Once More, With Feeling, but as a once off, not as a rule.
ReplyDeleteNo, I don't think I'll be going back on my musical rule any time soon. Except to watch those few movies that make up my exception: Blues Brothers, Dancer in the Dark, Moulin Rouge and... no, that's it.