Well, we can say with some degree of certainty now: 14 days to go! A degree of certainty because it was discovered at Kate’s last scan a week ago that the
lil' tine-eh bear-bee is actually no such thing: it’s a monstrous, 90th percentile, camel-sized thing that’s currently eyeballing the eye of a needle, and when it’s big they don’t let you go over term. And please note that I use words like ‘monstrous’ and ‘camel’ with the utmost affection and tenderness, of course.
Waiting for this baby is like every idealized, childhood fantasy of Christmas morning, but only a million times more exciting and fantastic. With the exception of my
Power Mac G5, I can’t think of something I’ve waited for with such an eager expectation. That is, of course, not true: there’s my
KERN zip-up as well. Incidentally, I just noticed Apple’s introductory spiel to the G5:
Power one up today and blaze through your work, deliver ahead of schedule, and astound your clients — because this baby really moves. You thought it was ridiculous of me to compare my child to a G5, but if, “this baby really moves,” and “delivers ahead of schedule,” as hoped, well I can think of worse comparisons to draw and hope for!
In the lead up to B-Day, each new day is certainly one to enjoy and experience to the full, but I can’t help but be impatient as I wait to discover who this person is going to be. There’s whole lifetime of learning, living and growing to go, but I'm sick of speculating about what could be, and I want to get started now! I know it’ll come soon enough, and that I should enjoy these few final poo-free days while I can, but that doesn’t change the fact that I’m already keen and ready to garry go.
And of course there’s always the desire to see Kate’s gruelling ordeal come to an end. What a difficult nine month, hurl-fest it’s been, and now the prize-winning pumpkin she’s carrying about is making it harder to get around, as well as making it difficult to sleep. Which is all good training for the sleep deprivation to come; as Kate keeps telling herself while doing the grocery shopping online at 3 in the morning…
Soon, soon, soon…