Look, it's me on South Park. Wheee. Fun.
Make your own with the South Park Studio, then take a screen shot and email it to me so I can start a collection here!
First up, here's William.

Here's Nee Hancock.

And Jay as well. Hilarious. That is so bang on.

Here's Kate, at home with a cuppa.

Davidic, complete with a touch of Supes.

And Blythe, with her camera and its redundant flash! Nice.

CK, fighting poverty.

And, oh my gosh, JJ, this is so close it's incredible. Gold!

Here's Davet after a night of gaming, his Networking Bag of Joy in hand to solve all our networking problems.

And here's Lisa, all the way from Bangladesh, enjoying a balmy summer’s night!

And Adrian too, with his satchel (or "man bag", as some would unkindly call it).

Here's Ahab, appropriately kitted out exclusively with Sony and Star Wars merchandise.

And if there's anyone who could get away with using this smile, it's Bomber.

Of course, I need to mark the arrival of Winter.

hahah those are FANTASTIC. I would list which one is my favourite but... I can't. i DO, however, plan on making on of my very own and sending it to you. How fun. Oh, and Alpha the oven-bun looks like s/he is coming along nicely! Congratulations S&K :)
ReplyDeleteThanks for the congrats, Jess. These images are great, aren't they? I find it really interesting to see how people see themselves. If I'd had to make Jay myself, I never would have thought to cover her in blood! It totally fits and I wasn't surprised when I saw it, but I wouldn't have thought of it myself.