Thursday, February 12, 2009

When I Get All Steamed Up.

One of Winter's favourite songs is that old classic, I'm A Little Teapot. She's been singing it all the time of late, and will often stop and point out things that remind her of a teapot. Which is all fine, cute and wonderful when, for example, she's pointing at one of Kate's earrings...

...but not so good when it's at one of my Batman figures.

She even grabbed the Dark Knight and poured him like a teapot. Come on, Winter. A little respect, please. Teapot? Prrrrffbbb.

Although, to be honest, I have always found this pose a little awkward. I'm not saying he does look like a teapot, but he does look somewhat like he's in the middle of a posing routine. Can you believe how much he is in heaven? But heaven or not, he's always seemed like he was missing something, and it wasn't until I moved house recently that I realised what it was. Unpacking all my Batman figures from their moving box, I put this one up on the window sill next to my desk. Then, in a moment of serendipity, I noticed the dangling cord of the window's blind, and suddenly everything swung into place...

Simply couldn't imagine a more perfect spot for him.

Right. I think I fancy a cup of tea.

"Heaven" link above updated to actual video on YouTube. You'd think I would have learned to stop linking to static text-based pages of quotes when I did the same thing over two years ago.

Sunday, February 08, 2009

Personal Annual Envy.

People cry out in surprise and alarm when they hear I keep lists of every movie I see and every book I read. So I can only imagine the sort of reaction Nicholas Felton gets when people learn the extent of his particular data collecting habits. Far more than just the odd entry into a text file, the New York-based designer records so much personal data it's a wonder he doesn't feel like he's invading his own privacy.

Distances travelled, food and drink consumed, music purchased and played, photos taken, hours worked, emails sent, even sightings of Michael J Fox... all are meticulously recorded and filed away. I envy and admire his discipline, but more than that I admire that at year's end he takes this data and crafts it into a beautifully designed personal annual report, replete with statistics, charts, graphs and maps.

This year's edition can be found here. Earlier editions, and various other side projects, are equally amazing, and can be found here.