The final result looked something like this...

...until Kate knocked it from the table to the floor and smashed it back into its constituent parts. Trying to reassemble from memory was a tricky job, but I got close enough (and may even have improved my original design), and Batman car Mark II, as seen above, was photographed the second it was completed.
I'm not saying the Production Design team for The Dark Knight should have given me a call, but for having only a handful of large plastic blocks (and not one of them in black), I think I did a pretty good job. Winter, at any rate, was suitably impressed. :)
Guy, in comments, has suggested a certain similarity exists between my humble creation and a vehicle that was used as part of the pre-game entertainment at the 1991 AFL Grand Final.

He’s even sent through an image he’s mocked up to support his case.

I hate him for it, but I must admit, he does have a point. A twisted, vicious, nasty point, but a point nonetheless. The complete horrifying spectacle can be seen on YouTube, of course.
Watch it if you must, but be warned that Angry’s vocal stylings are not only stomach-turning, but also highly contagious. Playing the clip in at work resulted in continued boisterous outbreaks of ‘Bound for Glory’ around the office throughout the afternoon. And even after several hours plugged into my iPod attempting to deprogram my brain, I still caught myself humming the tune aloud as I travelled home on the train that night…
The only positive I can find in this sorry mess is that, besides a brief slog up the bloody Kokoda track a number of years ago, it would appear that ultimately Angry was bound for nothing but obscurity. Phew.
Oh, and this follow-up from Carlton Draught is pretty good, as well.
CK just emailed me, asking: "As Bat-Man was created in May of 1939, I wonder if this might have been his first Bat Mobile.."
"Just imagine him hunched over the wheel in hurry to the latest crime, as the car pottered along.. honk honk.. he he.."
I was thinking he could well have been right, but then Guy sent me a link to The History of the Batmobile, a fascinating site that details every incarnation of the vehicle over its long and varied history. Sadly CK's suggestion was not to be found, and the earliest model they list looks more like the sort of car Tintin would be getting around in than Batman...

The closest I could find to CK's suggestion was this ridiculous clown-car...

...that I hope to never see again ever. There are over 170 different models recorded on the site (including even the model from the LEGO Batman video game), and my favourite would have to be the Anton Furst-designed Batmobile from Tim Burton's 1989 film.

That really is just an exceptional design. Sleek and menacing, and completely free from the tacky Elvira-style adornments that mar so many of the other designs. My word, there have been some fruity designs over the years, of which this design from 1974 is arguably the worst...

Not in the least surprised to see Robin behind the wheel of that one. Although it's at least not as disturbing as this ghastly design...

...which keeps bringing Se7en to mind for some reason I'd rather not dwell on. Better to dwell on the positives, like the Tumbler model from 2005's Batman Begins.

It's completely over the top, sure, but it's anything but silly. It radiates power and menace, like a crouching tiger, poised and ready to strike. It doesn't have the grace of the Furst model, but when you're tearing across rooftops and smashing through walls, who needs it? :)
Take a wander through the site if you get the chance. It's well worth it.
With the long front nose, your model looks suspiciously like the Tim Burton version of the car.. I would think you would prefer to pay homage to the better, more recent version of the film franchise, and so I look forward to seeing your Mach3 attempt :)
ReplyDeleteI think it's all about the subtleties with this one, and you've almost got it down-pat... Having said that, it bares a pretty strong resemblance to the 'Batman Car' that Dame Edna and Angry Anderson rode in the early 90's grand final (look it up). Also, I don't recall Batman being a redhead... Unless that's you, in which case I think as a constructive artists, you need to turn the ego down and stop putting yourself into your creations. What next, a post about 'red' converse...wait...what?
ReplyDeleteSlow news day?
ReplyDeleteI do intended to respond to these comments. It's just that I'm moving house at the mo and (to use one of Bomber's favourite expressions), I haven't got time to scratch myself, let alone comment on some blog.
ReplyDeleteAlthough, actually, I will take this opp to respond to one comment: slow news day, Bomber? Do you even read this blog? I know you do, because we've been here before, and I explained to you then that slow news days are my bread and butter! Bread and butter!
Anyway, you other two, I'll be back as soon as is humanly possible. My thanks.
In fact, (thinking about it as I brush my teeth), slownewsday is a great name for a blog!
ReplyDeleteSo good that some camper pitched his (or her) tent there eight years ago and has been boiling a billy ever since!
Oh well. Commas'll do me.
"With the long front nose, your model looks suspiciously like..."
ReplyDeleteOh, I thought you were going somewhere else with that, CK. Phew. Such things always take me back to a comment from my Year 12 art teacher on a drawing I'd done of a space trooper holding a long plasma rifle with a large, bulbous muzzle. Such designs, she told me, were common among males...
"I would think you would prefer..."
Not necessarily. It's been a while since I've seen them, but I did enjoy the Burton films (to which this post’s title was a reference). Sure, they had their share of silliness, but it was an interpretation of Batman that I was happy with overall; dark and gothic, as it should be. And entirely nipple-free, thank goodness. My main problem was with the Joker. Even when he wasn't blasting Prince songs from his ghetto blaster, yo, he was just entirely over the top and irritating. And if you say, well, that's the point... I'll counter with Heath. Bless you, Heath.
"...and so I look forward to seeing your Mach3 attempt :)"
Well, I see many more Duplo playtimes in my future, so you never know your luck.
" bares a pretty strong resemblance to the 'Batman Car' that ... Angry Anderson rode in the early 90's grand final (look it up)."
ReplyDeleteWell, that's the last time I ever follow your suggestion to go and look something up, Guy. Oh, my poor bleeding eyes; my desperately burning ears! I've cringed at many a spot of pre-game so-called entertainment, but, glory (no pun intended), that surely must be the worst? An Update is in order.
You can't hate me for anything. Let's face facts; there is a striking resemblance, regardless of the sonic cerebral abuse provided by the video!
ReplyDeleteI don't hate you, Guy, you're right... but by your actions I now see you as little better than a diseased person who coughs in my face. Sometimes it's better not to share.
ReplyDeleteRegarding the update; I like to think the 2005 car resembles Batman's ability as a crime fighter; brutish and a little bit clumsy. I didn't think that initially, but looking back it's a nice tie in, especially based on the scene where he's chasing his first assailant and crashes into walls and balconies.