The collection can be accessed directly from Google by adding "source:life" to an image search. And you'll find almost anything you can think of to look for: from unforgettable world events to humble scenes of domestic life, the variety is fascinating and the depth astounding, as Related image leads to Related image leads to...
Glory, my workplace productivity hasn't taken this big a hit since the big black pit of Facebook opened up.
And I've only just dipped my toe in, but favourites so far include:
The irrepressible George S. Patton.

The Melbourne Cricket Ground and surrounding area at the time of the 1956 Olympic Games.

And a team at work on some neon Olympic signage at the same time.

A cinematic, and somewhat unsettling, image of a truck driver pulling out of a petrol station.

An open stretch of highway on Route 66 before Pixar made it popular again.

And a beautiful, iconic shot of Manhattan shrouded in fog. Or smog. Maybe it's smog? Still beautiful, either way. Love the foreground-midground-background gradations.

So much, so much, so much there. Jump in, and let me know which images appeal to you.
The series of this seemingly tame lion living with a family in Austin TX, has taken my interest in the last week. While the ones said lion in a speedboat, or hanging out a car window are funny, it's this one that disturbs/intrigues me the most; if a photo like this got published today, there'd be an uproar. I thinking Steve Irwin's Croc-feeding/baby handling or Michael Jackson's Berlin Hotel Window trick have nothing on this
ReplyDelete"1955, AUSTIN TX: Blondie, the pet lion, looking pleased as her owner Charles Hipp places his baby granddaughter Karen on her back while his daughter Mrs. Juanita Evans (R) smiles & neighbor friend, Jane Johnson, 11, looks on, in living rm. at home."
This set is gold, and surely hard to top? I think this needs a post all of its own. :)