Just listen to this unpaid, non-solicited, testimonial.
"When I sat down at my desk and discovered my two-year-old had taken to the keyboard of my precious iMac with a permanent marker, I thought I might go into coronary arrest. I tried all the so-called remedies I read about on the internet – toothpaste, magic erasers, motor oil – but nothing seemed to work. Then, at the point of despair, my wife suggested trying Tea Tree Oil, and let me tell you, I was amazed at the results!

With nought but a dab of solution and a light application of elbow-grease, the "permanent" marker proved to be nothing of the kind. In no time at all my keyboard was restored to its former glory, saving not only this vital peripheral, but my relationship with my firstborn as well!!So get down to your nearest retailer of miracle goods today, and see what Tea Tree Oil can do for you!
Thanks and blessings marvellous Tea Tree Oil. "Oil" be using you again soon!!!"
Relieved, Reservoir
I was not ready to see Dipper's until next wednesday. Thanks for ruining my holiday Steve.
ReplyDeleteThat's nice to know about Tea Tree Oil though...seriously.
Don't complain about a Double-Dip, Guy; it's what we all want to do, and now you can, guilt-free. Ride the Big Dipper any chance you get, I say! :)
ReplyDeleteActually, sorry about that "Ride the Big Dipper" bit above. I'm using my tea tree oil to try and remove the mental image as we speak... no luck so far, but I'm sure it'll get me there... come on, tea tree, come on!!
ReplyDeleteGiddy Up!