Please, make it stop! Right there, in one terrifying shot, is everything I hate about the theatre. The audience in the back row can't pick up any subtleties in a performance, so a raised eyebrow becomes an extravagant, all-of-body gesture. Look at those histrionic expressions and ridiculously contrived poses. They'd make a clown turn away in embarrassment. My eyes haven't stung this much since they were assaulted by the grotesque visages of the Young Demons. I need to go and drench the poor buggers in Dettol. Back soon.
Right. That's better. Man, if there's any film I never wanted to see turned into a musical, it's all of them. That they've done it to one of my favourites is particularly distressing.
Tim. Burto. Mate. After the all-singing horror of Sweeny Todd I guess I'm not surprised that you've lent your name to this musical monstrosity... but still, I am disappointed.