For today, you see, is 'Connex for Cancer Day'.

With their long and continuing run of bad press, I find it bewildering that Connex would decide to come out in support of an insidious disease that kills millions every year! Surely they'd have a better chance of generating a little public good will by coming out against cancer, not for it? Am I taking crazy pills? And, to be honest, cancer seems to be doing quite alright by itself, even without Connex getting behind it.
Look, I mean, it's great that Connex want to be a responsible citizen and contribute to the public good, but maybe they need to rethink this one? And in the meantime, maybe they could focus their efforts on curing the ills of their rail network instead.
Any chance for an f n occer blog update?
ReplyDeleteI don't know whether to be pleased that you're FNitching for FNOccer, or disappointed that an attack on Connex is no longer enough to keep you satisfied. :)
ReplyDeleteRest assured, Bombalomba; the Birdbath World Cup post is coming, but these things don't write themselves. I'm also waiting for the photos to come back from the lab.
Over Connex. They just don't do it for me now...
ReplyDeleteHeh. You sound just like a Melbourne train commuter!
ReplyDeleteThe other day Connex sent me a message saying that all trains from Melbourne Central were delayed due to "police action". The message ended with this new tagline they've started adding, "Connex, Keeping you updated."
Twenty minutes later I went to catch my normal train home at Parliament and, far from delayed, my train turned up smack bang on time to the second. So, either there was no delay, or the delay had been resolved and things had got back to normal? Either way, thanks for "Keeping me updated", Connex. :)
Right. Onto FNOccer...