Although I actually quite like Jet, I enjoyed reading this despairing cry from some anonymous critic, written directly onto a poster for Jet’s new album, Shine On.
This band is boring. If their music was an exam paper they’d fail on grounds of plagiarism. doesn’t anyone listen to the Stooges anymore? c’mon people!
I’m quite sure I couldn’t count the times I’ve whined something similar while sitting around watching Rage on a Saturday morning, bemoaning the state of contemporary popular music.
I particularly like the “C’mon people!”; as though he sees our potential and knows we can do better; knows we can find a world of passion, authenticity and originality just beyond this veil of carbon-copy mediocrity, if only we’d stretch out and try.
Well, I haven’t heard Jet’s new album, but if, as rumoured, their sound has been heavily influenced by their recent touring companions, Oasis (and speaking of plagiarism), then things can surely
only be looking good! Hehe.
And notice how the first line is in texta, while the rest is in pen? I find that curious. A bold heading with some copy in a regular weight is not the sort of detail you’d expect for some hastily scrawled graffiti. I wonder what it says, if anything, about the person who penned it?